The day I write this, it’s very hot outside. Too hot to think of a good introduction to this blog post that also includes a link to the previous month’s progress report… Well, I guess this will have to do. I’m off to get some ice cream 🍨😎

Please enjoy this brief report of our development activities in July 2023.

Improved account setup

Since Wolf joined in February of this year, he has spent a considerable amount of time on many of the individual pieces that make up the new and improved account setup user interface. July was the month when things started coming together. For the first time we were able to test the whole flow and not just individual parts.

Screenshot of account setup screen Screenshot of account setup screen Screenshot of OAuth sign-in screen Screenshot of account setup screen

Things were looking good. But a few small issues kept us busy and prevented us from releasing a beta version containing the new account setup.

Material 3 experiments

We’ve done some experiments to get a better idea of how much work it will be to switch the app to Material 3, the latest version of Google’s open-source design system. We’re now cautiously optimistic. And so the current plan is switch to Material 3 before renaming the app from K-9 Mail to Thunderbird.

Community contributions

In July we merged the following pull requests by external contributors:

Security audit report

After a few busy days surrounding the Thunderbird Supernova release, we finally managed to publish the report of the security audit organized by OSTIF and performed by 7ASecurity. We’re happy to report that no high-risk vulnerabilities were found. The security audit did uncover a handful of low-to-medium risk vulnerabilities.

To learn more about this, read our blog post K-9 Mail Collaborates With OSTIF, 7ASecurity On Security Audit.

Thank you to everyone involved in making this happen!

This progress report was also published in the Thunderbird blog.