As we continue our journey of transitioning K-9 Mail to Thunderbird for Android, we are officially sunsetting the K-9 Mail blog. But, this isn’t goodbye – just a change in scenery! Moving forward, all updates, news, and exciting developments will be shared regularly on the Thunderbird Blog.

If you’ve missed the most recent update on the Thunderbird blog (or any of the previous monthly updates), there has been a lot of momentum and progress! In the last nine months, we informed our community know that we have:

  • updated K-9 to Material 3
  • made K-9 compatible with Android 14
  • added longtime Thunderbird contributor Philipp Kewisch as the manager for Thunderbird on mobile
  • fixed a lot of bugs!

We know more improvements will follow, and we will continue to update you all on the Thunderbird blog on a monthly basis. And for all of you who are fans of our little robot dog, the K-9 app and all its associated branding will be maintained alongside Thunderbird for the foreseeable future.

Thank you to all of our users, contributors, and supporters who have helped make K-9 into a great email app with equally great values: privacy, open standards, and open development. This regeneration is only the start of K-9’s next adventure!