
Help us make K-9 Mail even better! Below you'll find several ways to contribute to the project, if you're a user, a developer, a translator, designer etc. or even if you just want to help financially by donating.


Report a bug

Use the K-9 issue tracker to report bugs or request new features.

Use the website issue tracker to report bugs or request new features.

Translate the app

K9 Mail uses Weblate for translations. As features are added, there is often a need for translators to localise the text accordingly.

Help other users

Help other users by answering questions over at the support forum.


Get the source

The source code is hosted on GitHub.

Finding issues to fix

A number of the issues are marked with the ‘good first issue’ label indicating they are suitable for someone new to K-9 Mail's code base.

Developing and submitting a patch

  • The BuildingK9 page has information on how to build K-9. It’s important you run the tests (especially ones related to code you have directly changed) before submitting your code label indicating they are probably suitable for someone with not much experience of K-9.
  • See the Code Style for information on formatting your code so it matches our style.
  • See the Git Guide for information on using Git and submitting pull requests


Like everything else, the manual is the work of volunteers. If you feel it could be improved, feel free to contribute by creating an issue or submitting a pull request in the k9mail-docs repository.


If you want to contribute financially, head over to